Out With Old Technology, in with Livepeer Studio Live Streaming

Out With Old Technology, in with Livepeer Studio Live Streaming

Switchboard is a growing B2B company that offers a live stream management platform for webinars, public meetings, sporting events, and other live events. Recently, the company saw the need to update its technology. The goal was to replace their outdated system with a more robust video streaming technology.

🧩 The Challenge

Switchboard had a legacy video network that was completely outdated. The company wanted to replace its self-hosted video streaming infrastructure and update its video routing code without draining internal resources. The new technology needed to meet the demands of Switchboard's broad customer base, which includes sports teams, schools, and local governments.

💡 The Solution

With the help of Livepeer Studio, Switchboard expanded the potential of its live stream management platform. Livepeer Studio's API was set up to ingest video for Switchboard's clients and then route the video content to the correct destination. Switchboard also uses Livepeer Studio features such as on-demand video asset creation and publication tools.

📊 Results

After adopting Livepeer Studio, Switchboard completed their migration efficiently in just 75 person-hours, enjoyed a streaming success rate of 99.98%, delivered 125,000 minutes of streaming weekly, and achieved a notable 65% cost saving.

Livepeer Studio has given Switchboard the edge in streamlining its services and meeting increased customer demand. It allowed for more reliability and scalability, and supported Switchboard's growing business. Its engagement analytics API enabled Switchboard to provide accurate tracking and reporting for their customers, who care about reporting on business KPIs. Additionally, by utilizing the Livepeer Studio platform live streaming and video development, Switchboard was able to make better use of company resources and focus on business priorities.